Thursday, August 2, 2007

Detroit - Best Sports City, 2007

It's about time we're recognized for what we really are, a fantastic sports city. Sporting News has released it's Mighty 99 and The D tops the list for 2007.

The ranking is based on regular-season won-lost records (from the most recently completed season); playoff berths, bowl appearances and tournament bids; championships; applicable power ratings; quality of competition; overall fan fervor as measured in part by attendance as percentage of venue capacity; abundance of quality teams; stadium and arena quality; ticket availability and prices; franchise ownership; and marquee appeal of athletes.

Hip-Hop Mayor is quoted in response to the SN honor, but we all know he'd rather be giving chest-bumps and ass-slaps to Bron Bron in Cleveland. That's right I'm still upset by the way Detroit's mayor fell over himself to get next to King James during the playoffs.



Jeen Yes said...

this is nonsense! first, sporting news is a 2nd rate publication, but i suppose they're allowed their own rankings.

secondly, and most important, the way they've ranked the cities is complete balderdash. a 12 month period from july to july is enough of a sample to determine the best sports city in america? does that mean that a city like detroit was the worst sports city in 2005, when pretty much all their teams were awful?

basing a ranking to measure how well received sports are in a city primarily on won-loss record is ridiculous because the fans have little--or nothing--to do with it. sure, you could argue that when attendance is up, the teams generate more revenue. and you'd be right. but, for instance, when the tigers sucked before 2006, there was no attendance to bolster spending and therefore the team had to take the initial financial hit and hope that the product would be good enough to draw large crowds.

detroit, in particular, has a great history as a sports city. and if the rankings had been based on that (the history of fan fervor, attendance, tradition, etc.), rather than won-loss records for one year, then i'd have no problem with the D getting the nod at #1 because it may very well be deserving. until someone compiles a ranking like that, i'll still put boston and chicago ahead of detroit.

PS. how on earth did you guys re-elect king kwame?!

Anonymous said...

Well, someone's worked up.

TJ said...


Don't tell me that you think Denver is the best sports city? Also Cincy isn't either. 4 of the 5 Pro teams in Detroit were in their respective conference finals and one (Shock) won the title. You tell me what other town has done that?

Jeen Yes said...


i know you went to EMU, but you can't possibly be illiterate. read the last sentence of my post.

denver is crap for a sports city (especially because EVERYTHING here is broncos this and broncos that). and cincy is no great shakes either for sports (damn you,nancy zimpher. damn you!).

the point of this is that basing a ranking like this on a singular july-july year is ridiculous, which is why SN is a second-rate publication. detroit has a nice history of a sports town (except when they abandoned the tigers during the "lean" years), but chicago and boston are reknown for their fans' dedication to their teams--not including white sux fans, they're a bunch of fair-weathered bandwagoners.

when detroit can consistently show the same dedication over time, including bad years like my cubs have had for a century, THEN it's deserving of the #1 spot.

PS, yes i'm worked up over this farce of a ranking system. almost as bad as some of ESPN's recent lists.

TJ said...

I think it's best sports towns, not best fan towns. Of course Chicago, Boston and Phily are the most dedicated fans. The ranking is on Sports and by far Detroit has the best of that.

Jeen Yes said...

i'm not debating that detroit is a great sports town. it has a lot of history, tradition and championships. but i always felt kind of a lack of excitement and passion when i was there. it was mostly likely because the tigers were garbage and the lions were, well, the lions. but, like i said, the cubs have been awful for 100 years, the celtics haven't been good in a decade, and philly is the most punished sports city on earth. yet, i see a distinct passion and civic pride about their teams. that's why i'd give them the nod over the D.

PS. thank god there aren't any cardinal fans that read this (i hope). if i have to hear another one of those clowns tell me that they have the best fans in any sport, i'll freak.

TJ said...

I don't listen to sports radio hardly anymore either and I am two feet from the studio. I have switched to NPR. Who's Now is the worst idea since the decision to draft Brady Qiunn by the Browns.

Jeen Yes said...

i 2nd the who's now nomination for worst programming choice ever. i can't believe someone got paid to come up with that.

and btw, woody, i've actually started listening to MORE sports radio than before. but the local guys here are a bunch of hacks. so, it's pretty much mike and mike and gamenight for me.