Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fuel Economics - Save money with these tips

Since we’re not going to stop or slow our gas consumption anytime within the next .50-.75 cents/gallon I thought I’d share a article regarding gas saving myths and some real tips that actually have a chance of saving you some money.

First of all, understand that any gas-boycott-for-a-day is to be ignored. It is impossible to change the law of supply and demand by simply not buying something for a day. Think about it…after that day is over you will still need to buy gas. The only way this works is if we use less gas PERIOD. This part is not in the article I just wanted to vent about that stupid idea.

Look out for any magic gas pills, additives or petro magnets claiming to increase fuel economy. All lies. I like to think the 4 people reading this blog are already intelligent enough to stay away from those products. If you missed the MythBusters about fuel economy then you will be happy to know that they found your vehicle is equally efficient with the windows up or down.

On to the good – common sense – stuff that is helpful to be reminded of during the summer…er…gas gouging season.

- Idling in traffic or waiting for a train, as I often do, it’s better to turn the engine off than to allow it to run.

- Check tire pressure. A well cared for rig will reward you with better fuel economy, I promise.

- Use your cruise control on the highway. This also keeps me from getting annoyed by drivers who slow-down, then speed-up, slow-down, then speed-up again. I hate that.

- If you drive a truck without a cover, keep your tailgate UP. I won’t get into details just trust me on this one.

- Check out


If you don’t believe me about that stupid gas boycott then I encourage you to look it up and then take an economics course. Econ 101 would probably work.


TJ said...

I will pee in your gas tank.

Kbob said...

I took a magic pill that gave me gas. Think I can sell it?

AC said...

H.wood - Should I be concerned that I find myself agreeing with your political ideals more and more?