Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spring Project: Update 1

Starting a new program can be a humbling experience. If you haven’t seen the program, the basics are weight training for 3 days (M, W & F) and HIIT for 3 days (T, TH, S) with a rest day on Sunday. HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training which really is nothing more than walk (jog)/sprint intervals. After 2 days of weight training Kbob and I were both extremely sore from, but are still feeling motivated with the program. Motivation is extremely important when you consider we’re in the gym by 5:40am and I am NOT a morning person. So far, I feel confident the program will shed fat while maintaining muscle mass as expected. Stay tuned for more on weight training after we finish tomorrow’s deadlift, push-up, back squat & pull-down circuit for 3 sets of 2 minutes with each exercise. It’ll be a killer.

Tuesday morning we tried HIIT on the treadmill at the Y. Let me warn you now. Unless the treadmill you are using allows you to program the intervals DON’T DO IT. Ride a bike or go outside. This morning we decided to run along the River Raisin. The program, which today only lasts for 18 minutes consisting of 90 seconds walking and 30 seconds sprinting, absolutely crushed me. I haven’t felt like that since about 1996 when I played soccer and ran track. I can not put my post-run feelings into words so just believe me when I tell you it was horrible. Saturday will be 20 minutes of the same…I can’t wait.


Kbob said...

He couldn't put it into words or listen to words either. I believe that I've never been told to shut up in quite that way.

Jeen Yes said...

so, your gym doesn't have the "shut the fuck up sign either?" i'm starting a petition to get this signed into law. hell, i may run for president on that platform alone. oh yeah, welcome to the blogosphere.